Sunday 24 May 2015

Taking Risks

I hope you're all having a great start to your half term, if you're in the UK. If not in the UK I hope you are having a great time anyway! This week I am gonna write about taking "risks" and when i say this I don't mean "Try climbing Mount Everest alone" or plaything like that, I simply going slightly out of our comfort zone in our day to day lives.

This past week I have found out a lot about myself by taking one tiny risk. This risk was to tell the person I "fancy" that it is indeed them I "fancy" ( I put fancy in quotation marks because its a really weird way of putting things!). I didn't want to tell this person in fear of them hating me or ignoring me or even getting angry at me, because they're the things that circle in my head. However he did none of these things and simply said he sorta feels the same way but wouldn't want to date at this age in his own fear of ruining our friendship. This meant a lot to me because he cares so much about the strong friendship we have he would never want to ruin that. He told me things about myself which I thought were flaws that he loved and so by taking this one risk we have been bought closer together.

I guess that my whole point is that, even if it's like once a week, if we step outside of our comfort zone and do something we wouldn't usually do we may just surprise ourselves, so why don't you give it a go?

  • Tell someone how you feel
  • Do an extra piece of work
  • Anything you are slightly afraid to do!
And let me know all about it in the comments!

Until Next Time xxx

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