Tuesday 25 August 2015

Answering Your Questions!

So this week I thought I would do a Question and answer style post. So I asked my instagram followers for some questions and here they are!

What country are you from?
I am from the UK, where it rains mostly everyday - like it is right now!

If you were stuck on a desert island and you could take one person who would it be and why?
Ooooh, I would probably take James McVey because then he would have no choice but to talk to me and if we died there I would be a very happy girl!

Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world or speak to dogs?
I would have to say every language in the world, because I am not a huge fan of dogs (sorry!) and I don't have a dog. So every language in the world would help me a lot more than dog!

How old are you?
I am 14 years young.

What's your favourite group and singer?
My favourite group of pretty looking singing people would have to be The Vamps because just their perfect in every single way! And my favourite singer is probably Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran because their both absolutely amazing at what they do!

Can you speak French?
Yes! I am actually taking French GCSE so I can speak some French yes!

How did you find out about The Vamps?
Well 2 years ago I was sat on my sofa catching up on Friday Download and The Vamps came on and I was like "well they're pretty cool" and it escalated from there!

Would you rather be able to speak to animals or read peoples minds?
Read peoples minds! Because then you could tell if people were lying to you and I could eliminate all bad people from my life!

Do you want/have any pets?
Unfortunately I don't have any pets :( But I would really like a cat or a bearded dragon!

What/who are your favourite vamps fan accounts(instagram)?
This is such a hard question to answer because I love loads of accounts! I love my friend @boilinghotbrad and the three girlie's who asked most of these questions: @chamcvey, @tiderandthevamps, @blueberrymcvey. But I love every single one of my followers!

What is your battery percent right now?
On my phone it is at 36%

Thank you for the wonderful questions you've all sent to me!
Until Next Time, M xxx

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